IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review of Theoretical Approaches to Weaker Forms of Normal Spaces in Mathematics

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Ratna Bhaskar Dr. S. Shekhar Pooja Kumari Dr. Umesh Sharma


This paper provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical approaches to weaker forms of normal spaces in the context of topological spaces. Normality, a fundamental concept in topology, has been extensively studied, but there are situations where weaker forms of normality are more appropriate or yield interesting results. We explore various weaker forms such as regularity, semi-normality, and completely regularity, examining their definitions, properties, relationships, and applications in mathematics. The review aims to elucidate the significance of these weaker forms and their role in understanding the structure of topological spaces.

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