IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Reflection of the Modernist Views of Isolation: An Analysis of the theme of „Fragmentation and the Loss of Control‟ in Robert Frost‟s “Mending Wall”

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Ms. Mrinalini B Chavan
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V11/I12/575


The primary purpose of this study is to understand the modernist view of isolation in the context of fragmentation and control loss in the Mending Wall. The modernism theory that has been depicted in this study is used frequently in the literary studies that have been prevailing since World War 1. Modernism is considered an international movement that erupts in other countries for generic and national boundaries. The main motivation for conducting this study is the creation of Robert Frost in his poems that depicts the outside world beautifully. The problem of modernism is general agreement that has altered different phases. This includes several poems, such as Seven Woods and Responsibilities. These critics have judged at the time Frost became a modernist poet. There were certain claims that are important to recognize in the modernism theory. In this study, the modernism theory has been put forward for analysing the works of Robert Frost. This study indicated the fragmentation and control loss in his poem Mending Wall. The characteristic classical style is depicted in modern writing for producing political implications and diversity in developing the theory of supplemental selves. . Hence, one can live a life by adjusting himself or herself in accordance with society.

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