IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Detailed Study On Consumer Behavior Towards Purchase Decision Of Organic Food And Food Products With Reference To India

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Ms.A.Usha Lakshmi,Dr.R.Ramesh,Prof.Dr.K.Selva Vinayagam,Prof.Dr.A.Stephen


With the growing number of uncertainties and health issues roaring around the corner with the advent of a global pandemic like COVID-19 individuals have become extra cautious about themselves and their families globally. Irrespective of income and availability every individual is behind in safe and chemical-free food. Following the global trend, the desire for organic products has also incremented in developing economies like India. The diversion in the mindset of present-day purchasers has been significantly motivated by way of growing situations of lifestyle illnesses, consisting of coronary heart issues and depression. The necessity to opt for natural produce to improve the lifestyle of individuals may have considerable effects on the retail sector and marketing capabilities. For a product to come under the category of organic it must be grown naturally without the usage of any pesticides or chemicals. Organic products have their own benefits. One of the major ones being environment friendly preserving the quality of the soil you grow in by not adding any harmful chemicals also consumption of organic products is safe not for the consumers but also for the farmers or cultivators growing them as they are also not exposed to any harmful chemicals while cultivation. Though the demand for organic food and products has seen a rising curve the purchase frequency has not increased at the same level. Though India stands to be the major producer of organic products because of its rich soil and various other positive factors added the majority used to go for export but recently the domestic market has also seen a rise and upliftment. The present study is an endeavour to dive deep into how consumer behaviour has seen a steady change over the course of the time period

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