IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Critique of Coastal Pollution

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Dinesh Kumar Yadav


The effects of numerous synthetic substances on the maritime environment were examined as part of the search for an investigation of important writing. Different sources of pollution in the sea climate, as well as the causes of tainting, have been discovered. Human mobility is responsible for a major portion of the toxins that wind up in the water, either directly or indirectly. While some of these synthetics degrade regularly, others do not. Several policies and recommendations have been enacted at the national and international levels to combat marine pollution. Oil slick models have been produced in certain areas across the world”. Contamination off the coast is increasing at an alarming rate, and dealing with contamination in the oceans is a tough scenario that necessitates a wide range of solutions. This article investigates the possibilities of beach contamination, covering the causes of waterfront groundwater pollution, the consequences of water contamination, as well as prevention techniques. The coastline is a stretch of land that extends from the ocean's edge towards the land's inland edge. Its breaking point is defined by the height of the rising tide. The coastline is the point where the air, land, and water collide. Contamination is derived from the term filthy, which means "to stain."

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