IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Compressive Study on Solar Panel

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Garima Goswami


The sun is the wellspring of sunlight based energy. Sunlight powered chargers convert daylight, which is comprised of energy-bearing particles known as "photons," into power that might be used to control electrical burdens. Sunlight based chargers might be utilized for various purposes, including remote power frameworks for lodges, broadcast communications hardware, remote detecting, and, obviously, energy age by private and business sun oriented electric frameworks. A solar cell is an important component in the generation of energy since it generates both voltage and current. This paper attempts to cover three basic kinds of solar panels used in solar power systems, as well as their applications that promote solar energy. As a result, it is both cost-effective and pollution-free. Solar power has a lot of promise for large-scale renewable energy sources nowadays, and it's now a subject of interest in terms of its application, which has a lot of room for development.

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