IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Comprehensive Study on the Cloud Computing Storage Security

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Amit Kumar Bishnoi


The number of service providers has expanded as more data storage services use the cloud as their instrument of choice. With these options, businesses may choose from a variety of providers to migrate their data to the cloud. Maintaining the security of the sensitive data housed there, however, continues to be of utmost importance. In this paper, the author discusses the Data is stored, used, and backed up by a large number of servers via the internet in the very popular and adaptable cloud storage service model. Both businesses and individual users benefit from it. In recent years, several cloud storage companies have emerged, offering a range of features and services. The existing cloud offerings, however, do not always meet user needs, and choosing a storage platform is challenging because of the variety. In recent years, the idea of cloud computing has gained popularity. Data storage is a crucial and worthwhile area of study in cloud computing. In this work, cloud computing, cloud storage, and cloud storage architecture are first introduced.

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