IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A comparative study on utilization of ICT in teaching by secondary school teachers with respect to their Gender, Age and Teaching stream in Kamrupmetro district of Assam

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Alpana Das and , Dr. JonaliChetia


The use of the ICT has been found to be one of the most powerful ways toimpartquality education.It has a significant impact on all the dimension of our lives, and the same is true for the educational system. In education, ICT has been used to improve the teaching-learning process, to simplify administrative tasks and help teachers and students to develop theirpersonality.In this research work, the researcher attempted to study the difference in utilization of ICT in secondary school education by the teachers with respect to gender, age and teching stream. Descriptive survey method has been used in the study.To collect primary data on teachers' use of ICT for school education, the researcher constructed a questionnaire andtested the reliability of the questionnaire following standard procedure.

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