IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Comparative Study Of Different Factors On Caregiver Burden And Disability Of Patients In Bipolar Affective Disorder And Alcohol Dependency In Selected Study Areas Of Mumbai

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Mr. Atish D. Kadale , Dr. Maharaj Sing , Dr. Nilesh Shah , Mrs Chitra A. Beldar


Background:Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD), previously known as manic depression is an illness in which someone experiences highs and lows mood swings like ups and down and Alcohol Dependence (ACD) is the associated risk factor of BPAD. ACD is a chronic disease in which a person craves drinks that contain alcohol and is unable to control his or her drinking and ultimately it was transformed into burden such as violence, big quarrels etc. and disabilities. The burden of care concept has two distinct components. 1. Objective burden includes measurable effects in household disruptions, economic burden, loss of work and social activities, time spent negotiating mental health, medical and social welfare and some times criminal justice systems.2. Subjective burden is the caregiver’s own perception of the impact of caring consisting of negative feelings of loss, anxiety, anger, sorrow, hatred, uncertainty, guilt, shame or embarrassment, which causes significant distress and suffering. Aims: To compare the extent of burden and disabilities among the caregivers with the BPAD and ADS dependence in patients. Results: Disabilities was majority seen among males, severe burden was more seen in females, especially the families unemployed, and it was observed more in families where domestic violence happens. Conclusions: The high amount of burden experienced by the caregivers due to large number of dependence associated with disorders.

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