IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

“A Chronicle of True Friendship in 'Two Bullocks”

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Munshi Premchand has contributed his great literature not only in Hindi but also in English. Most of his writing is translated into English. ‘Two Bullocks’ is the story written by him about two oxen who loved their master very much and had a deep friendship with each other. Both bulls are self-respecting, brave and benevolent. Their owner keeps them with great affection. But once both the bullocks are sent to the owner's in-laws' house. Due to not getting due respect at the new place, both the bulls run away and come to their real owner. They are again sent to the new location. When they try to run away again, they get into many troubles. Eventually, they are auctioned off to a butcher. But both the bulls also manage to escape from thatKanzihaus and finally reach their rightful owner. This story is very interesting and written in simple language. This, the text written by Munshi Premchandra is the mode story of the tale of two bulls’ emotional story. In this story author Premchand has established an emotional relationship between the farmer and the animals. The current work aims to study the spirit of freedom reflected in the story Two Bullock written by Munshi Premachand.

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