IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Case study on Understanding Open Information Initiatives and Management System in Academic Libraries of Colleges and Universities in Maharashtra

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Pravin Madhaorao Dongare, Ravikant N. Mahindkar


This study explores the implementation and impact of Open Information Initiatives and Management Systems (OIIMS) in university libraries across Maharashtra State, India. With the advent of information and communication technology (ICT), university libraries have become crucial in advancing academic excellence and research development. This research investigates how OIIMS, which include open access resources, digital repositories, and collaborative platforms, are transforming library operations and resource management in Maharashtra's universities. The primary objectives are to assess the current state of OIIMS in these libraries, identify challenges and opportunities in their implementation, and evaluate their impact on students, faculty, and researchers. By analyzing the experiences and feedback from these stakeholders, the study aims to highlight best practices, innovative strategies, and potential areas for improvement. This research is particularly relevant given Maharashtra's diverse educational landscape and its commitment to fostering academic excellence. The findings of this study will offer valuable insights into effectively leveraging OIIMS, not only in Maharashtra but also in other regions seeking to enhance their academic library systems.

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