IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Akanksha Mittal, Dr. Nibu R. Krishna


Vaginal health is an important part of women's overall health. Vaginal problems can affect fertility, desire for sex, and ability to reach orgasm. A healthy vagina is full of bacteria. Some kinds of bacteria are considered “good” while others are “bad.” Good bacteria help keep the vagina a little bit acidic. This keeps bad bacteria from growing too fast. Sometimes, though, the bad bacteria can take over and cause problems. Objectives: The Purpose of the present study is to motivate other researchers to conduct a study on yoga and its impact on vaginal health and spread knowledge about yoga and its benefits on these disorders like Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, vaginitis, Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, Irregular Menstrual cycle, Excessive Vaginal discharge, Sexual discomfort. Method: This article was compiled through previous studies which are available on the internet, in theses and books. Search through an Electronic database to identify all related articles on Yoga and its impact or effect on vagina Health. Results: Through this research or investigation, we have found that yoga has lots of benefits like reduced menstrual pain and its associated symptoms, lower stress levels, increased quality of life, improved sexual health and better psycho-emotional well-being. Conclusion: From this study, it was concluded that yoga is very beneficial in the management of vaginal disorders and its recommended for females suffering from vaginal disorders. Specific yogic exercises at least twice a week.

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