IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

War and No Peace: Economics of Unemployment in Elif Shafak’s The Flea Palace

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Mr. Karthik.S, Dr. P. Kolappadhas


The world has witnessed a couple of wars, many civil wars, a row of destructions and a continuing lust for power and positions. The ones at the crest of governance fight a war to exercise their power mongering and leave their subjects at lurch. The paper looks at the way the subjects suffer during the war, the crisis which they have to confront by being without food and water for days. They must escape their home lands and lose their long possessed identity. Shafak’s novel “The Flea Palace” looks at the way the Russian war immigrants came to Istanbul with a hope that the new nation would provide them with life and support to aid their existence

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