IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

"Visual Appetite: The Emergence of Food Pornography and Its Effects on Food Consumption"

Main Article Content

Dr. Amlan Lahiri


"Visual Appetite: The Emergence of Food Pornography and Its Influence on Comestible Intake" is a title that delves into the topic of food pornography and its impact on eating habits. The term "food pornography" alludes to the use of artfully stylized, visually pleasing images of food that are fashioned to stimulate the viewer's desire and elicit a craving for the portrayed comestible. The essay scrutinizes how food pornography has surfaced as a cultural trend and how it has affected our connection with food. It elucidates how food pornography gratifies our hunger for gratification and how it invigorates our senses through visual enticement. The images of food are meticulously fashioned to generate an emotional bond with the viewer, inciting an intense desire for the food represented. The piece also examines the repercussions of food pornography on our eating patterns. It argues that the emphasis on indulgence and excess in food pornography can foster a culture of overconsumption, contributing to unhealthy eating habits. Furthermore, it explores how the idealized standards projected in food pornography can result in feelings of shame and guilt around food, ultimately affecting one's body image negatively. Overall, "Visual Appetite: The Emergence of Food Pornography and Its Influence on Comestible Intake" is a title that emphasizes the role of visual stimuli in our association with food and how it has evolved over time, giving rise to food pornography and its impact on our eating habits.

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