IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Utilization Of Vitamin C/ Zinc Supplements, Medicinal Herbs And Immunity Boosters During Covid -19 Pandemic: A Post Study In India

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Dr. Praveen Garg1, Dr. Jyoti Pandey1, Dr. Madhu2, Satya Raj Singh3, Dr. Ruchita Shrivastava4*


The Covid-19 pandemic is currently a major challenge around the world. Getting and maintaining proper nutrition is essential to fight viruses. Nutrition is an integral part of the human immune system. Diet has a direct impact on people health, and a healthy diet will give their body the strength to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. But it's hard to believe that a superfood can simply boost immunity. By including foods rich in micronutrients, people can have a healthy and nutritious diet. Certain nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B-6, folic acid, zinc, selenium, iron and protein support the vital growth of good bacteria

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