IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Use Online Resources in Emergency Medicine with Five Strategies

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Dr. Mohd Yaseen, Dr. Naziya Hamid, Dr. Manish Sabharwal, Dr. Sonali Saklani, Dr. Shaik Salman Khan


As the quantity of clinically focused papers continues to rise, keeping up with the literature can seem like an impossible effort for students of all levels in the health professions. [1,2] Thankfully, there has been a veritable explosion in the number of secondary internet resources that make an effort to sift through the growing body of medical literature and provide information in a way that is most suited for adult learners. These materials have been labelled "free open access medical education," sometimes known as free open access medication, particularly in emergency medicine (FOAM). [3] Despite the fact that the number of these instructional resources has skyrocketed, [4] they are barely acknowledged by the academic community. [18, 19] This might prevent academic physicians from participating and hold back the field's development. It is necessary to take action to recognise these types of intellectual expression on an equal footing with similar dissemination strategies including national talks, review publications, and textbook chapters. In the end, a podcast is just a recorded lecture that is accessible to a much larger audience. It will be necessary to develop reporting standards for impact if these efforts are to be recognised as scholarly endeavours.

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