IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Unveiling Transformative Forces of Fintech in India: A study of Digital Immigrants Versus Digital Natives

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Ms. Krishna Ashutoshbhai Vyas


The information technologies are continued to escalate, the gap between the digital immigrants and digital natives continues to amplify. Fintech services are booming with inventions & modernization. The magnitude of Fintech is intensifying day by day. Embodiment, a utilization of fintech is helpful to the companies, business owners and consumers in order to manage their monetary maneuvers, progressions, and lives through engaging precise software & etiquettes which are used on computers and smartphones. The main focus of the research is identifying and analyzing the key drivers of fintech in India further the study shows the customer adoption and attitude. The study is based on primary data collection method where by the sample of 120 fintech users who were selected based on Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives. sampling method. The study was carried out at saurashtra region. The researcher tried to analyze the level of awareness about various business Fintech products, identify the attitude of the respondents towards fintech products and the level of adoption towards various Fintech product by the respondents. The research was statistically justified with the Chi-square test.

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