IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Tarun Dutta


Assamese films have completed a journey of more than 85 years. ‘Jaymoti’, the first Assamese movie was released on 10th March, 1935 in Raunak Hall at Kolkata. From that period more than two hundred and twenty seven Assamese films were released in the last century. Most of them were mainstream commercial cinema. The importance of songs in Assamese films can be seen from ‘Jaymoti’ itself. The songs of that movie created a new trend in the history of Assamese modern song. Assamese films without song are few. Assamese film songs embraced all the Assamese folk and devotional genres. Besides it also worked as a medium of the development of Assamese modern songs with All India Radio. Among that diversity, some distinctive trends can be seen in Assamese film songs. This paper is an attempt to discuss those distinguished trends in Assamese film songs.

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