IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Toxic leadership: A true Menace for the organization

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Dr. R.S.V. Rama Swathi1, Dr. Krishnamurthy Naidu2,V.Bhavya3, Y. Gayathri Manasa4
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V11/Splis5/21


Leadership is all about persuading others. Leadership entails the leader exerting influence over perception, motivation, communication, personality, and, eventually, the behaviour of others, preferably followers. Leadership is thus the study of a leader's impact over followers' thoughts, feelings, views, beliefs, attitudes, and actions. This is part of a larger theory. In practise, people frequently encounter a weird leadership style known as toxic leadership. This form of leadership is detrimental because the leader is more concerned with his or her own interests than with the goals of the organization. This approach has a negative impact on employee commitment and satisfaction, which eventually leads to high employee turnover and other HR-related challenges in the long run.. This conceptual paper seeks to learn more about toxic leadership and the personality qualities of such leaders in order to provide fresh insights for identifying and dealing with toxic leaders. The primary goal of this study is to comprehend and conceive the long-term presence of such toxic leaders in an organization. This study uses grounded theory to investigate the elements that enable toxic leaders to remain in organizations for an extended period of time. This research is conducted by dealing with persons that have toxic leadership styles. In the present context, leader refers to ‘manager’ at any level.

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