IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

To study the benefits derived from YouTube influencers along with known brands in the beauty industry on consumer attitude

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Tamanna Gothi, Dr. Divya Thakur


Consumer perceptions of beauty goods have been radically altered as a result of partnerships between popular YouTubers and well-known cosmetic businesses. Brands have discovered a potent new channel for reaching their demographic by capitalizing on the massive followings and impact of prominent YouTubers. With their genuine and approachable material, these influencers—who are often seen as experts in the beauty industry—can affect how consumers see products. Increased trust in the brand is one of the main outcomes of these kinds of partnerships. People are more likely to have faith in a product or business when they see it endorsed by well-known influencers. Influencers have a strong following of people who trust their suggestions because they are real and trustworthy. In addition, YouTubers provide a new and exciting way to promote products. They demonstrate the characteristics and benefits of cosmetic goods in an interesting and instructive way via engaging lessons, honest evaluations, and intriguing material. This kind of one-on-one communication strikes a chord with customers and helps build a community around the business. The mutually beneficial partnership between influencers and cosmetics companies raises the profile of both parties' products. Influencers attract an interested and curious audience by showcasing new goods and trends via sponsored content on their channels. Brand awareness and exposure grow as a result of this elevated profile, which in turn boosts sales and market penetration.

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