IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Tidal Energy and Its Effect on Energy Generation

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Shashank Mishra


Tidal energy is some kind of renewables that is very efficient at producing electricity. Tidal energy is a form of hydropower that generates electricity and maybe other valuable types of energy by harvesting energy of the tides. It's also a clean energy source that doesn't produce the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and acid rain as fossil-fuel electricity produces. Tidal energy has the potential to lessen consumption for wind reactors, which has its own set of radiation risks. The few studies that have been done thus far to determine the environmental consequences of a tidal power scheme it has been shown that each site is unique, and the repercussions are strongly reliant on local topography.In this study we discussed about the tidal energy power generation and its different ways of working on a different condition. The future scope of this study is to understand the different function of the tidal energy in an effective manner.

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