IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr.Sangeeta R Kattimani


The politics of resource distribution and conflict are central to global socio-economic dynamics, environmental sustainability, and geopolitical stability. This study explores the intricate interplay among economic interests, environmental impacts, governance frameworks, and international relations in the context of resource allocation. Resource distribution is characterized by competition and disparities in access and control over critical resources such as water, energy, minerals, and land. This competition often fuels conflicts ranging from local disputes over resource rights to international tensions shaping geopolitical strategies and alliances. Economic interests heavily influence resource politics, with resource-rich regions leveraging natural endowments to drive economic growth and attract investment. However, overreliance on specific resources can also create vulnerabilities, economic dependencies, and geopolitical maneuvering. Environmental impacts are significant considerations in resource extraction and utilization, contributing to biodiversity loss, pollution, and climate change. Sustainable resource management strategies are essential to mitigate these impacts, balancing economic development with environmental conservation and social equity. Geopolitical strategies revolve around securing access to strategic resources essential for national security and economic competitiveness. This includes energy security considerations, maritime disputes over resources, and international agreements governing resource exploitation and conservation. International agreements, multilateral institutions, and diplomatic efforts are instrumental in promoting sustainable development, resolving conflicts, and ensuring equitable access to resources. In conclusion, navigating the politics of resource distribution and conflict requires addressing complex interdependencies among economic, environmental, and geopolitical factors. Sustainable resource management practices, inclusive governance structures, and international cooperation are imperative to foster stability, promote equitable development, and safeguard global resources for future generations.

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