IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The New Globel Approach to A Transportation Problem

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Silambarasan. S., Dr. M. Kavitha


The current paper means to propose an elective arrangement approach in acquiring the ideal stretch to a span transportation issue (ITP) in which the expense coefficients of the goal capacity, source and objective boundaries are all as span. In this paper, the single objective stretch transportation issue is changed into an identical fresh bi-objective transportation issue where as far as possible and width of the span are to be limited. The answer for this bi-objective model is then gotten with the assistance of fluffy programming procedure. A bunch of twenty arbitrary mathematical models has been addressed utilizing the proposed approach. A relative report has likewise been made between the proposed arrangement strategy and the technique proposed by Das et al.(1999) which shows that the proposed strategy gives better answers for eleven out of twenty issues.

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