IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Sk. Salma,K. Sankara Rao,B. Varaprasad,B R Srinivas


This paper displays a view that the feminist movement constitutes the budding future of society, and there is a certain impact of Kamala Das and the Upanishads on gender equality. Gender biased environment is an annoyance for the well-being of human beings in any sphere of society, like the educational sector, familial world, and economic area. The feminist movement plays a great role in making conscious of the drawbacks of gender inequality. Sexual and gender identity are actually based on biological and social approaches. These approaches no doubt elucidate that there is a difference between males and females, but when the quality of society and the sense of equality between male and female become the primordial issues, the biological and social differences are insignificant to refer to because sexual and social identity cover external look but equality and quality are surely the finest concepts. The mind setup and inner psychic change are needed to define equality and quality. The present paper shows that Upanishadic Non-Dualism takes a vital effect on Kamala Das’s feminist approach and consciousness.

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