IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Influence Of COVID-19 On The Production And Distribution Of Food

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Purshotam Kainth, Arashdeep Singh


A pandemic is not an unusual event, considering that humans have always been vulnerable to them throughout history. As a common feature, all pandemics cause severe economic destruction over the globe. When looking at the food supply chain, one of the most essential sections of the economy, it has been shown that COVID-19 has an influence on the whole process, starting in the field and continuing through to the end customer. Because of recent challenges in the food supply chain, there is now a great deal of worry about food production, processing, distribution, and demand. The food supply chain was harmed in a variety of ways, both financially and otherwise, as a result of COVID-19, which restricted labour migration, altered consumer demand, eliminated food manufacturing facilities, and reduced the number of rules governing food commerce. Therefore, governments need to make it easier to move both people and agricultural and food-related goods. It is important that disadvantaged farmers and smaller farms get financial assistance. Changing safety procedures is something that should be done in order to improve working conditions at facilities, as well as to protect the employees' health and safety. If you want to avoid a rise in the cost of food, you should steer clear of pro-protectionist policies for the food industry. Finally, all governments must understand the seriousness of the situation and change current regulations in line with the pandemic's velocity of expansion. The system for distributing meals must also be versatile enough to cope with any problems that may arise. The objectives of this research are to: (1) examine the extent to which COVID-19 has damaged the food and agriculture sectors; and (2) explain the required mitigation actions.

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