IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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This study examines the multifaceted effects of trade wars on global stock markets, exploring key dimensions such as market volatility, sectoral impacts, currency fluctuations, and investor sentiment. Trade wars have emerged as a prominent feature of global economic discourse, profoundly impacting stock markets worldwide. Trade wars inject uncertainty into financial markets, leading to heightened volatility as investors react to unpredictable shifts in trade policies and economic conditions. This volatility is exacerbated by speculative trading and fluctuating risk perceptions, which influence market dynamics across regions and sectors. Sectorally, industries dependent on international trade experience varied impacts. Export-driven sectors face reduced demand and profitability amid tariffs and trade barriers, while import-reliant sectors contend with higher costs and disrupted supply chains. Defensive sectors, however, may see relative stability as investors seek refuge in less volatile industries. Currency movements play a pivotal role in shaping stock market outcomes during trade wars. Fluctuations in exchange rates impact multinational corporations’ earnings when repatriating profits, influencing their stock valuations. Hedging strategies mitigate but do not eliminate these risks, highlighting the complexities of global financial interconnectedness. Investor sentiment fluctuates significantly amid trade tensions, driving market psychology and influencing trading behaviors. Positive developments, such as trade negotiation progress, can boost confidence and elevate stock prices, whereas escalating disputes or policy uncertainties may trigger sell-offs and market downturns. Policy responses from central banks and governments further shape market outcomes. Monetary interventions, such as interest rate adjustments, and fiscal stimulus packages aim to mitigate economic disruptions caused by trade wars, influencing investor expectations and market stability.

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