IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Evolving Landscape of Paddy Cultivation in Kerala

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Dr. Basheer K K, Dr. Muneer Babu M, Mr. Biju Abraham,


This study explores the evolving landscape of paddy cultivation in Kerala, focusing on the socioeconomic, technological, and environmental changes that have shaped this sector. The study based on both secondary and primary data sources, investigates the role of collective farming initiatives such as Padashekhara Samithies and Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) of Kudumbashree in addressing challenges like labour shortages, climate change, and technological changes. The study also examines the shift towards commercial crops, technology adoption in terms of the use of High Yielding Varieties seeds (HYVs) and implications for food security and sustainability. The study observes that despite the support from initiatives like Padashekhara Samithies and JLGs of Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs), paddy cultivation in Kerala faces labour shortages, climatic uncertainties, and declining profitability, emphasizing the need for sustainable and climate-resilient practices, conservation of traditional paddy varieties, and adoption of modern machinery. Future research, therefore, should focus on developing innovative solutions to labour shortages, enhancing climate-resilient practices, and promoting the conservation and use of traditional paddy varieties to ensure the sustainability of paddy cultivation in Kerala.

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