IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Different Phases Of Pace Bowling in Cricket

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Dipesh Chandra Purohit, Dr. Kamal Vijayvargia


Pace bowling is a crucial aspect of the game of cricket, demanding a combination of skill, athleticism, and strategy. This research paper aims to analyze the different phases of pace bowling, from the run-up to the delivery, in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and tactics employed by fast bowlers. This paper explores the captivating world of pace bowling in cricket. It delves into the origins of pace bowling, its physical and mental demands, the techniques employed by bowlers, and its impact on the game. Overall, pace bowling stands as an exhilarating art form that continues to captivate cricket enthusiasts with its power, skill, and unpredictability

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