IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Brief Review on the Image Processing Techniques

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Pradeep Kumar Shah


Image editing is one of today's fastest-growing technologies, having applications in a variety of industries. Within the hardware design and software engineering trains, picture processing structures are a major research area. Picture processing is a technique for improving images obtained from satellites, space experiments, aircraft, military observation missions, or photographs shot with regular cameras in daily life. Because of really wonderful PCs, huge memories of accessible devices, and realistic virtual goods and instruments accessible with those gadgets and contraptions, the sector is coming out to be ground-breaking and well-known. The various important steps in picture managing are image acquisition, pre-handling, division, portrayal, acknowledgement, and comprehension. The potential for widespread use of mage recognition technology in a variety of sectors is enormous. In reality, it is not a technology of the future, but rather one that is currently here.

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