IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Curcumin Derivatives as Polyphenols with Anti-Inflammatory Properties

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K. S. Jagannatha Rao
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/i2/02


In this study, we synthesized thirteen derivatives by performing Steglich esterification on one or both phenolic rings of curcumin, aiming to enhance their anti-inflammatory activity. The monofunctionalized compounds exhibited superior bioactivity compared to the difunctionalized ones, particularly in terms of inhibiting IL-6 production. Among all the derivatives, compound 2 showed the highest activity in this regard. Additionally, compound 2 demonstrated strong activity against PGE2 synthesis. Through structure-activity relationship studies, we found that the presence of a free hydroxyl group or aromatic ligands on the curcumin ring, along with the absence of a linker moiety, contributed to increased activity. Compound 2 remained the most effective in modulating IL-6 production and showed potent activity against PGE2 synthesis.

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