IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Sustainability and Increasing the Yield of Crops in India: Agricultural Scientists, Farmers and the Knowledge Systems

Main Article Content

Vembanan Gunasekaran


The yield of most important food crops has shown increasing trend for years but now undergoing a tough phase of sustaining and increasing the yield. The chemical fertilizers, sprays etc have reached a stage where crops are not able to respond to the chemical inputs in increasing the yield. A paradigm shift is in the process of displacing the chemical fertilizers to the products of biotechnology in increasing the yield. But there are also other knowledge systems like the organic farming, agroecological methods, traditional knowledge to increase yield and also have high prospects of sustainability. The states tend to promote the lab science rather than the farmers’ knowledge and expertise learned over years. The promotion of particular agricultural science over others raises doubt about the real interest of the state in promoting sustainability. But the major challenge is about whose knowledge is going to bring sustainability and growth to agriculture which can feed the growing population?

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