IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

“Study to understand factors important for Effectiveness of E-commerce”

Main Article Content

Dr. Altaf Abdul Latif Shaikh, Dr. Sunil S Dhanawade
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V11/ISS7/358


The FMCG industry of India prompted with steady growth from the wide of use E-commerce technologies. This chapter explores the effectiveness of E-commerce in FMCG sector and attitudes of consumers towards E-commerce usage. It is required to figure out the factors associated with consumers like age, education level, the standard of living and their adequate computer literacy. As Indian consumers became more viable to the use of E-commerce tools and innovative technologies, the future of FMCG is foreseen from the online shopping attitude of the Indian consumer. Accelerating growth in the E-commerce industry and internet penetration of India decide the future of FMCG.

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