IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study of the Ear and its Diseases in Pediatric Patients in the COVID-19 Era

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Dr. Tarun Malhotra1 *, Dr. Abhay Kumar Singh2 , Dr. Sushil Gaur3 , Dr. Dirag Shah4 , Dr. Mansi Sharma5


Families typically put off receiving necessary care because they are reluctant to leave their isolation areas. Hospitals across the nation have implemented numerous system-based initiatives that have lowered risks and enhanced the patient experience. Providers in the field of otolaryngology are particularly susceptible to upper respiratory pathogens due to a specific combination of factors. The particular characteristics of caring for children, such as the high prevalence of upper respiratory tract infections, asymptomatic carriage, and uncooperative patients during regular examinations, may enhance the provider's risk of exposure to COVID. Due to the elective nature of pediatric otolaryngology practices and delays in receiving government financial assistance available to Medicare but not Medicaid providers, pediatric otolaryngology practices have been disproportionately impacted by the financial ramifications from COVID.

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