IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study of Diversity of Gastropoda in Mangroves at Shirgaon Dist. Palghar, Maharashtra(India)

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Asst. Prof. Vanmali H.S. Asst. Prof. Dalvi S. H.


Mangroves are one of the biologically diverse ecosystems in the world, rich in organic matter and nutrients and support very large biomass of flora and fauna. With continuing degradation and destruction of mangroves, there is a critical need to understand the biodiversity of the mangrove ecosystems. The present paper deals with the survey of mangrove species diversity, i.e., shirgaon Maharashtra, India. During this study, 4 species of true mangroves representing 3 genera and 3 families, 5 species of mangrove associates belonging to 4 families, 1 Genus, 1 species of mangrove halophytes were recorded from the mangrove ecosystems and 5 species of mollusca representing 3 genera, 3 families of shirgaon (Palghar), Maharashtra.

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