IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Jadhav Sandip Vilas


This article aims to look at the geographical migration patterns, variations in socioeconomic growth ranges, in addition to the correlation among universal migration and unique improvement indicators (impartial variables) throughout the Indian states. The complete research is predicatedtotally on secondary resources of records gathered from the Migration Table, 2011 Census of India publications D Series, Primary Census Abstract of India, Handbook of Statistics of Indian States, and Basic Road Statistics of India. The study's smallest unit is determined to be a state's boundaries. According to present research, migration ranges rapidly shift from excessive to low-grade as one moves northward from the southern area of the country. In comparison to the northeastern states of India, which had low stages of migration, the western and eastern portions of the country noticed medium to excessive stages of migration. Compared to the states located within the western and northeastern areas of the nation, the development stage in the northern, western, and southern states is moderate to medium.

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