IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Secure Data Sharing and Searching At the the Edge of Cloud Assisted Iot

Main Article Content

V.Pravallika, M.Pradyumna


Smart gadgets can now communicate from close to a long distance with one another and with the Internet or cloud. As a result, the Internet of Things represents a brand-new paradigm (IoT). However, by employing cloud computing, resource-constrained IoT smart devices can gain a number of advantages, such as offloading the burden of data processing and storage to the cloud.Working at the network's edge offers more advantages than using the cloud for IoT applications that require high data rates, mobility, and latency-sensitive real-time data processing. we suggest a productive data-sharing system that enables smart devices to safely communicate data with others at the edge of cloud-assisted IoT .we analyze the performance based on processing time of our proposed scheme. Because security-oriented operations will increase the heavy computational burden, IoT's resource-constrained smart devices cannot handle these computation-intensive operations.

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