IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Dr. N. Narasimharaju


Emotional health plays a pivotal role in an individual's overall well-being, influencing how they navigate life's challenges, foster relationships, and rebound from setbacks. Comparable to the effort invested in maintaining physical health, nurturing mental and emotional well-being demands attention and commitment. Adolescence, marked by hormonal fluctuations and a lack of life experience, can be a tumultuous period. When familial connections wane due to parental work commitments or natural separation, teenagers often turn to friends for support. While peer relationships are valuable, they may fall short when addressing mental health concerns. The presence of mental health symptoms necessitates the intervention of professionals, such as school counselors or life skill trainers. These trained individuals play a crucial role in assisting young adults in understanding and managing their emotions. By fostering self-awareness, counselors empower adolescents to navigate the complexities of their feelings and establish a robust sense of personal identity. The dearth of information and skills can impede adolescents from exploring their potential and shaping a positive self-image. This study seeks to investigate the impact of counselors and life skill trainers on the emotional competence of adolescent students. It aims to compare the emotional competence of students undergoing life skill training with that of their counterparts who do not. Utilizing the Emotional scale by Sharma & Bharadwaj (2007) for data collection, the study employs statistical t-tests to analyze and quantify the data obtained from a sample of 60 adolescent students. Understanding the role of counselors and life skill trainers in shaping emotional competence is vital for creating supportive environments that facilitate the emotional well-being of adolescents

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