IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Role of Google Analytics in Marketing

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Dr. Shreekala Prasad Bachhav


This research study investigates Google Analytics' function in collecting and evaluating consumer data, as well as its impact on customer acquisition and retention methods. The study applies a quantitative research approach to investigate hypotheses concerning the usage of Google Analytics in improving the ability to acquire and analyse customer data, improving customer acquisition methods, and contributing to customer retention strategies. According to the study findings, Google Analytics considerably improves the ability to acquire complete and accurate customer data when compared to older techniques. Businesses that used Google Analytics to measure website traffic, evaluate demographics and interests, and discover popular website pages saw greater conversion rates and customer acquisition. Furthermore, utilizing Google Analytics in customer retention strategies led to improved customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty, resulting in enhanced retention rates.The conclusions drawn from the study highlight the importance of leveraging Google Analytics as a valuable tool for businesses. By incorporating Google Analytics into their practices, businesses can gain valuable customer insights, make data-driven decisions, optimize marketing campaigns, and improve customer acquisition and retention strategies. The findings emphasize the significant role of Google Analytics in enhancing business performance and contributing to business growth.This research paper contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of Google Analytics in capturing and analysing customer data, and its impact on customer acquisition and retention strategies.

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