IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Role of DNA Technology in the Administration of Criminal Justice System

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Mangal Kumar Raj


DNA technology (also called DNA profiling or forensic genetics) is a technique employed by forensic scientists to assist in the identification of individuals or samples based on their respective DNA profiles. Although more than 99.1% of the genome is the same throughout the human population, the remaining 0.9% of human DNA shows variations between individuals. These variable DNA sequences, termed polymorphic markers, can be used to both differentiate and correlate individuals. This paper will examine the science of DNA identification, which deals with the source of a sample to trace the actual culprit. It also deals specifically with the relevancy and admissibility of DNA evidence in criminal cases with the help of landmark judgments. This paper further deals with how DNA technology will work as stakeholders to help in the administration of the criminal justice system. Finally, this paper suggests that use of DNA fingerprinting testing to identify the accused and acquittal of decent in criminal cases is very significant and need of the hour for the speedy disposal of criminal cases.

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