IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Role of Data Protection Mechanisms in Cloud Security

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Gulista Khan


Cloud computing has developed through time to provide end customers a range of services. Because of its benefits, industries are now able to employ the cloud for the majority of their applications. The majority of cloud platforms contain security flaws and are open to many assaults. This article explores the many security measures available to corporations as well as some of the more specialized security processes including authentication, authorization, encryption, and access control. Every safety mechanism's procedures are examined as well. This study's goal is to give a general review of cloud computing security. To describe cloud security, a definition and scope of cloud computing security are presented. To illustrate the capabilities of each participant in the industry, a cloud security ecosystem is shown. The security ramifications of cloud security for businesses and operators are then examined. This study will introduce a different researcher and make an effort to emphasize the significant security challenges and issues that arise in public cloud systems, especially with regard to data storage, management, and processing.

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