IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Educational Organizations

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Gulista Khan


Technologies has always been crucial to education, but due to the growing accessibility of smart devices as well as web-based curricula, its usage is now more common than ever. Artificial intelligence is being applied in education in a variety of ways to improve students in their learning. In the previous 25 years, there has been a considerable advancement in artificial intelligence in the subject of education. As a result, there has been a revolution in the field of education today. Education is widely accessible nowadays and costs money. On the other hand, two questions surface when we attempt to influence our future by thinking back on our past. The first is what the sector of education's positive influences are and what prospects this technology may bring about in the future. In this essay, the author makes predictions about the field of artificial intelligence and education (AIED) research in the near future based on instructional procedures and models as a scientific tool, models as elements of educational artefacts, and models as the foundation for the design and model of educational artefacts that have been studied. Other academics will learn about utilizing AI as a teaching tool from a future publication here, which will also serve as a foundation for their own study. This study will help students achieve their objectives by giving them tailored feedback on their assignments, tests, and other assignments using AI algorithms.

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