IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Role and Application of Indian Medicinal Plants in Women Health Management

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Renuka Jyothi S. Parinitha Mahishi Shanmugam V. M. Anil Kumar Satya Raj Singh Ruchita Shrivastava Sharangouda J. Patil


Gynaecology, also spelt gynecology, is the branch of medicine that deals with the condition of the female reproductive system (including the uterus, vagina, and ovaries). Gynaecology is a significant subspecialty that deals with the treatment of conditions that affect rural women, such as abortion, monthly irregularities, menopausal syndrome, morning sickness, leucorrhea, infertility, delivery issues with women's health have a significant effect on social, economic, and psychological facets of life. Despite the lack of awareness and health care systems worldwide, they are the source of all life. In light of this, an effort has been made to compile data on plants utilised in a variety of issues relating to women's health through literature and field research. The several findings showed that native plants are significant and widely used therapeutic agents for issues relating to women's health. The article emphasises the significance of using native flora to treat women's reproductive issues and effective usefulness as a therapeutic herbal drug.

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