IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Rights and Women Empowerment in India: A Challenge in Current Scenario

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Dr Narmada Singh,Dr Sangeeta Kumari


This paper is an attempt to analyse the role of women, their rights and empowerment in current scenario in respect to India. As we know women empowerment is the most significant concerns in the 21st century. United Nations also asserted in Millennium Summit the “Gender Equality and Women Empowerment” as one of the eighth millennium development goals to be achieved by the year 2015. In India, the goal is far to be achieved perceiving the current scenario. It is an honest attempt to highlight the role of woman, its importance and unending support during pandemic with all the issues and challenges in their empowerment . Despite all the efforts by the Government, social welfare organisations, NGOs , Nationally and Internationally, gender inequality still persists in considerable rate in respect to access to education ,employment , independence in domestic affairs and reproductive matters . However the gender difference is shrinking with the efforts made by the women, in technical expertise and skills in communication. Facing intolerance and curiosity over time, there is a crucial need to eradicate all social and cultural evils, barriers in their overall development ,gender based violence against them , to reach the goals of equitable society .The purpose of this study is to target the loopholes and challenges to eradicate gender inequality at the grass root level. The comparative and analytical method is been followed in writing this research paper. The study concludes that access to education, speedy procedure of justice, awareness and implementation of laws , realization of women´s rights , employment and acceptance of women as equal effective human resource , efforts made at the grass root level to eradicate all social evils, may enable us to achieve the goal of gender equality , just and equitable society. .

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