IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Review of the Application of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Treatment in Orthodontics and Related Fields

Main Article Content

Rajiv Ahluwalia1* , Parvinder Kaur2 , Sumita Giri3 , Chetna Arora4 , Shweta Bali5 , Sanjeev Tomar6


The current study set out to conduct a thorough evaluation of the indexed literature on the possible application of antimicrobial photodynamic treatment (aPDT) in orthodontics. Using the following keywords, indexed databases were searched up to and including January 2019: (A) orthodontics; (B) photodynamic chemotherapy; (C) antimicrobial photodynamic therapy; and (D) orthodontics. Case reports, case series, and original (clinical and experimental) investigations were all included. Review articles, opinions, and letters to the editor were not included. Four studies were processed for data extraction out of the 29 studies discovered during the first search. Three studies involved human randomised clinical trials, and one study was an experiment. Results from two studies demonstrated that aPDT is efficient in treating gingival inflammation in those receiving orthodontic treatment (OT). According to one study, patients receiving OT can successfully use aPDT for oral decontamination. According to the experimental study's findings, aPDT is useful for cleaning the surfaces of orthodontic implements. The prospective use of aPDT in OT is not supported by enough data in the literature that has been indexed. Therefore, more research is needed in this area.

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