IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Prof. Mohammad Shahid,2Suraj Kumar Srivastava,Abdul Kalam Ansari


This study examines the shifting dynamics of India-European Union (EU) relations through the lens of New Delhi's recent reordering of its foreign policy goals. The changing global geopolitical environment has prompted India and the European Union to reevaluate their strategic alliance and readjust their shared priorities. This article examines the background of India-EU ties in-depth, focusing on significant turning points, areas of cooperationand obstacles encountered. It delves into the partnership's established and developing facetsincluding climate change, technology, regional connectivity and the more familiar trade and economic cooperation, security, and development aid. The report highlights India's growing importance internationally and analyses the variables shaping India's foreign policy goals and their impact on the EU's shifting aspirations. It looks at how the Act East Policy of India and the Global Strategy of the European Union have affected their bilateral involvement and their views on multilateral institutions and global governance. The article also looks at how the shifting geopolitical environment in Europe affects India's strategic calculations. This article analyses the impact that Brexit, the rise of nationalism, migrationand security concerns have had on India's diplomatic outreach and engagement with individual European states and the EU. This review study helps us better grasp the repositioning of India-EU relations in the twenty-first century by deciphering the intricate interaction between India's foreign policy ambitions and Europe's shifting terrain. This shows how crucial it is for India and the European Union to collaborate strategically as they face new global challenges and take advantage of new possibilities.

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