IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Relationship between emotional intelligence and self- efficacy in research among Gadag District physical education teachers

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Shivanand Jattennavar


Higher levels of self-efficacy allow teachers to better assist pupils who have made mistakes, which in turn affects the teacher's stability when the teaching process is not going smoothly. Additionally, it makes it possible for them to engage with kids more and has less of an inclination to report uncooperative students to the authorities. More self-efficacious teachers are passionate and dedicated to their work. In light of this, variables pertaining to teaching teachers' self-efficacy at all levels need to be carefully understood. The results of this study indicate that emotional intelligence components are not immune to regulation, and that physical education instructors' confidence in their own efficacy may be enhanced by developing their emotional intelligence.

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