IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Realize Widespread Statistical Records–A Case Reading of Epidemic Syndrome

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Ishwarya.R, Subbammal


The ii2019-20 iinew‐coronavirus ii(COVID‐19) iihas iiinfluenced iimore iithan ii200 iicountries iiwith iimore iithan ii4097405 iiaffirmed iicases ii(by ii30th iiJune) iiand iiits iistill iirising. iiConsiderate iithe iiconduction iielementsiiofiithe iicontamination iiin iievery iicountry iiwhich iigot iiinfluenced iiconsistently iiand iiassessing iithe iiviability iiof iicontrol iiarrangements iiare iibasic iifor iiour iifurther iiactivities. iiUntil iithisiipoint iiin iitime, iithe iimeasurementsiiof iiCOVID‐19 iiannounced iicasesiishow iithat iiover ii82% iiof iicontaminated iiare iigentle iiinstances iiof iisickness, iiaround ii16% iiof iitainted iihave iiserious iicomplexities, iiand iiabout ii10% iiare iiarranged iiasiibasic iiillnessiicasualties. iiThe iipresent iireport ii(30th iiJune ii ii2021; iievery iiday iirefreshesiiin iithe iipre-arranged iisite)iishowsiithat iithe iiadmitted iiinstancesiiof iiCOVID‐19 iiin iithe iiUnited iiStates, iiSpain, iiItaly, iiand iiGermany iiare ii528850, ii146178, ii135742, iiand ii106084, iiindividually. iiComputing iithe iiall iiout iicase iicasualty iirate ii(CFR) iiof iiItaly ii(30th iiJune ii ii2021), iiabout ii23.3% iiofiiaffirmed iicasesiihave iidied. iiContrasted iiand iiSouth iiKorea'siipace iiofii2.9% ii(multiple iitimesiilower iithan iiItaly) iiand iiChina'sii4.2% ii(69% iilower iithan iiItaly), iithe iiCFR iiof iiItaly iiisiiexcessively iihigh. iiSome iisuccessful iistrategiesiithat iiyielded iicritical iichangesiiin iithe iipattern iiof iicases iiwere iithe iilockdown iistrategy iiin iiChina, iiItaly, iiand iiSpain ii(the iiimpact iisaw iiafter iievery iiso iioften), iithe iiclosure iiof iiall iiunimportant iiorganizations iiin iiHubei ii(the iiimpact iisaw iifollowing ii6 iidays),iijoinediiapproachiiiniiSouthiiKorea,iiandiilesseningiiworkingiihoursiiiniiIran.i

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