IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Public Health Implications of Ultra-Processed Food Consumption

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Dr. Shekhar M. Kumbhar, Dr. Uddhav T. Kumbhar, Dr. Tulsidas A. Patil


A complex interaction of socio-economic, cultural, and technological forces is changing world diets. Concerns regarding public health and the environment arise from this shift toward processed and convenient foods. Diet-related diseases and sustainability issues rise due to Western diets, convenience, and marketing.Addressing these issues requires a holistic strategy. A culture of home-prepared meals is fostered via cooking education, culinary skills development, and fresh, whole ingredient access. Cultural variety, communal cooking, and healthy recipe sharing on social media should also be promoted.Dietary choices and environmental issues must be considered together. Promoting plant-based, sustainable solutions promotes individual health and global sustainability. Implementing nutritional education programs and creating healthy eating environments requires community, business, and government collaboration.To navigate these worldwide eating trends, modern convenience must be balanced with nutrition, culture, and sustainability. Collective initiatives can revive an appreciation for hand-prepared meals, promote healthier diets, and improve human and environmental health.

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