IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Promising Technologies for 5G Wireless Networks

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Anu Sharma


The latest networking design is used by 5G technology, a breakthrough advancement in wireless telecommunications that offers high-quality services. This study makes an effort to examine the growth of the many generations of mobile wireless technology, as well as to compare them in terms of their features and capabilities performances. The architecture that has been suggested thus far the installation of a 5G network is being clarified network. The term 5G is used in conjunction with the World Wide Wireless Web (WWW), a platform that allows us to establish connections with any devices, anywhere, at any time. Future-generation 5G networks can be thought of as ultra-high-speed technologies that improve cellular networks. To offer exceptional services, the suggested 5G network can incorporate a variety of cutting-edge, prevailing technology. As a result, new architectural and service management systems must be developed for various applications of developing technology. It is advised to address problems with data traffic capacity, high data rates, and dependability to guarantee Qu’s. Internet of Things (IoT), Software-defined networking (SDN) have emerged as two of the key technologies integrated with the 5G network. By lowering the cost, cloud-based services offer adaptable and effective solutions for information and communications technologies of developing and overseeing the infrastructure for information technology.

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