IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Postharvest Application of Antagonistic Yeast, Candida metapsilosis to Control Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Caused Anthracnose Disease on Mango Fruits and Possible Mechanisms

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Punika Chaisemsaeng1*, Nirun Nitisuk2, Chutima Thanomsit3, Paongpetch Phimchan4


The research was tested efficacy of antagonistic yeast Candida metapsilosis to control the pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on mangoes. This research found, antagonistic yeast C. metapsilosis showed high inhibition to C. gloeosporioides of spore germination at 33.23%. The result of disease incidence on mango that treated with yeast and spore of pathogen showed disease symptom at level 2 (4.15%). Control of anthracnose disease control at 14 days storage time, the mango that treated with antagonistic yeast and sodium bicarbonate demonstrated great result, because these not found the disease incidence. However, mango in the control group showed highest of disease at 69.00%. From all results, yeast C. metapsilosis was play role to control pathogen by hydrolytic enzyme, nutrients, and space competition. The nutrients mechanism found that, mango treated with yeast and spore of pathogen could be presented good of disease incidence (DI) at 71.17%. Addition possible of mechanism, space competition showed the mango tested with yeast and simultaneous drip with pathogenic spore of pathogen had highest of inhibition rate (IR) at 37.38%. The important of both mechanisms, yeast can produce and secreted chitinase enzyme to damage pathogen. This enzyme activity found the average activity at 156.40 U/ml. The mango that treated with antagonistic yeast C. metapsilosis showed great resulting to control spore germination of pathogen, high capacity to reduce anthracnose lesion development and good action to control pathogen for 14 days storage time. Additional reason of yeast, that play role by an important mechanism; nutrient, space, and enzyme activity to damaged and control the pathogen C. gloeosporioides of anthracnose disease on mango fruits.

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