IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Portrayals of Women in Indian Television Advertisement as an Agent of Patriarchy A study on Indian Context

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Monika Mili


Communication denotes a process that is both interactive and purposeful. It is obvious that the mass media plays an important part in every stage of the formation of public opinion. There is an image in the minds of most people that the mass media are very powerful, particularly, because they were successfully made use of during the two world wars and also by the great dictators- Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini. While, the old statement was that “The pen is mightier than sword”, the recent version is, ‘The mass media is more powerful than the Atom Bomb’ Television as one of the powerful communication medium plays a pivotal role in reaching large number of people in a very short time. It is an ideal medium to convey information to illiterate and literate in urban and rural areas on whom it would have profound impact.

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